Blog Post 3: Transformation and Benefits of Technological Advancements

Information Systems has advantages and South Africa benefits from it in the three ways listed below: 
1.    Efficient Communication

The help of information technology provides the population and businesses access to instant messaging, emails and voice or video calls (Muhsinzoda, 2015). Nowadays corresponding with people happens faster,cheaper and much more efficient.

2.    Global integration and closing cultural gaps

Information Systems closes the gap in linguistic, geographical and some cultural boundaries (Muhsinzoda, 2015).  This is because people share information and knowledge through communications by use of technology. Technology also allows South African citizens to foster relationships with the natives of other countries thereby, learning about different languages and cultures in a convenient manner.

3.    Creation of new jobs and discovering yourself

South Africa is adopting Information Systems as it provides high school and university students with computer classes. These classes help students to become more computer wise. Computer skills develops students’ knowledge and assist them in discovering whether they have a passion for working with technology or not. Chances are that they might pursue their passions and or create jobs for themselves and others.

In 10 to 20 years, no one will even have heard of having lecture halls because everyone will be learning through online learning programs.
Hopefully by then South Africa would have mastered the art of combining technology and higher education through e-learning. E-learning allows learning to take place outside the classroom and it attracts a wider range of people from different countries and cultures. More people in the country will be educated through e-learning thereby, increasing the employment rate of South Africa. 
South Africa needs to improve the country's online learning programs in order to produce qualified and educated citizens. E-learning will be more affordable to those that are not able to pay tuition  fees.

Referencing list

 Muhsinzoda, M., (6 December 2015). Advantages and Disadvantages of  information systems. Retrieved from


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